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Social Login

Arcana Wallet

The Arcana Network SDKs enable web3 developers to use social login to quickly onboard new users.

Authenticated users can instantly access the embedded, non-custodial Arcana wallet from within the app to sign blockchain transactions.

Developers can leverage the built-in gasless feature to sponsor gas fees for allowlisted blockchain transactions. The gasless transactions can be enabled for Arcana Wallet and third-party, browser-based wallets.

Developers need to follow these steps for integration:

  1. Register the app with the Arcana Developer Dashboard, and copy the unique client identifier for the app.
  2. Configure Auth SDK usage via the dashboard, specify social login options, wallet user experience settings, gasless transaction settings, etc.
  3. Install the Arcana Auth SDK and use the client identifier to integrate the app. Initialize the AuthProvider, then add a single line code to onboard users by calling the connect() method and enabling the plug-and-play login UI. After a successful user login, Arcana wallet will automatically display within the app context, enabling the user to sign blockchain transactions instantly.
